遍地開花 / Blossoms Everywhere
28 open letters from citizens in different sectors of Hong Kong society
Citizens across Hong Kong condemn the July 21 Yuen Long attacks and police inaction; police brutality against protesters; government inaction in the face of the biggest political crisis in Hong Kong since the handover; and call on the government to fulfill the four (in some cases, five) demands demonstrators have been making since June. These letters, as a collection, give a sense of just how broadly civil society has mobilized to demand accountability and basic rights.
NOTE: Since this piece was published and before July 27, 38 more open letters from various groups appeared, for a total of 66 in all. As soon as I get the time, I will add them below. For now, a list of all 66 can be found (in Chinese only) here.
- 跨部門公務員致香港人的公開信 (Open letter from civil servants in 23 different governmental departments)
2. 立法會秘書處職員致香港人的信 (Letter from the staff of the Legislative Council Secretariat to Hong Kong people)
3. 醫管局文職人員致全港市民書 (Letter from Hospital Authority administrators to Hong Kong people)
4. 一班熱愛香港的醫管局職員致全港市民 (Letter from a group of Hospital Authority staff who love Hong Kong to the people of Hong Kong)
5. 建築測量業界致全港市民書 (Letter from construction and surveying professionals to the people of Hong Kong)
6. 司法機構職員致香港人的信 (Letter from Judiciary staff to the Hong Kong people)
7. 稅務局職員致香港人之信 (Letter from Inland Revenue staff to the Hong Kong people)
8. 社會福利署職員致全港市民信 (Letter from Social Welfare Department staff to the Hong Kong people)
9. 機電工程署及渠務署員工致香港市民書 (Letter from the Electric and Mechanical Services Department and the Drainage Services Department to the Hong Kong people)
10. NGO同事致香港人書 (Letter from NGO workers to the Hong Kong people)
11. 幼稚園老師致全港市民書 (Letter from kindergarten teachers to the Hong Kong people)
12. 中電同事致香港人書 (Letter from CLP employees to the Hong Kong people)
13. 港鐵員工致香港市民書 (Letter from MTR staff to the Hong Kong people)
14. 澳門人致香港市民書 (Letter from Macau citizens to Hong Kong people)
15. 不同院校的職員致香港市民書 (Letter from staff of different institutions to Hong Kong people)
16. 空少空姐致香港市民書 (Letter from flight attendants to Hong Kong people)
17. 廉政公署職員致香港市民書 (Letter from ICAC staff to Hong Kong people)
18. 地政總署職員致香港市民書 (Letter from Lands Department staff to Hong Kong people)
19. 港燈職員致香港市民書 (Letter from Hong Kong Electric staff to Hong Kong people)
20. 食環署職員致香港市民書 (Letter from FEHD staff to Hong Kong people)
21. HKT員工致香港市民書 (Letter from Hong Kong Telecom staff to Hong Kong people)
22. 香港教育界職員致香港市民書 (Letter from Education Bureau staff to the Hong Kong people)
23. 香港機師致香港市民書 (Letter from Hong Kong pilots to Hong Kong citizens)
24. 漁護署同事致香港人書 (Letter from AFCD staff to Hong Kong people)
25. 一班熱愛香港的政府行政主任致全體香港市民 (Letter from a group of government officials who love Hong Kong to Hong Kong people)
26. 醫療輔助隊致香港人書 (Letter from medical workers to Hong Kong people)
27. 1823客戶服務主任致香港市民 (Letter from 1823 customer service officers to Hong Kong people)
28. 來自另外一班屬於香港市民嘅港鐵員工心聲 (Letter from MTR staff to Hong Kong people)